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Start me up: powering the engines to drive forward regional Australia


Change. For some, change is exciting. It unsettles, and that sense of nervous anticipation for what’s ahead can serve as an incredible motivator. For others it’s hard.

Potato power – how a Tasmanian factory is creating a cleaner, greener future


The fertile lands surrounding Ulverstone in north-west Tasmania have made it a hub for agriculture and food manufacturing.

World-first study to examine regional Australia’s worker need and skilled refugee employment


A pioneering new research project is set to shape win-win solutions that help address regional Australia’s chronic skill shortages and ensure skilled refugees find employment.

Metro to regional movers multiply, with millennials leading the march


The number of city-dwellers choosing a life in the regions has hit a 12-month high, with the latest Regional Movers Index (RMI) showing metro to regional relocations have surged in the first quarter of the year.

Rebalance the Nation is a vision for more Australians to be living prosperously in the region.

At the heart of Rebalance the Nation, is the Regionalisation Ambition 2032, a framework to direct the actions of government, industry and the community to support more Australians living in our regions.

Based on 10 years of RAI research, it is a set of 20 targets across five important pillars to improve life in regional Australia so that more Australians can call the regions home.

Here we showcase the work RAI together with communities, leading Australian organisations, industry and government is doing to achieve the 2032 ambition.

Learn more 

Pledge Tally

Pledges are a way organisations can show support of the Regionalisation Ambition 2032.

Organisations show support by making a pledge that aligns to a pillar and will contribute to one of the Ambition’s targets. Listen here to some of the fantastic pledges that organisations across Australia have already made.






Jobs and Skills

Jobs and Skills18





Productivity and Innovation

Productivity and Innovation7


Resilience and Sustainability

Resilience and Sustainability15

Interested in making a pledge?

Pledges are a way organisations can show support of the National Regionalisation Ambition 2032.

Pledge now 

Our Supporters

Regional Activators Alliance

The Regional Activators’ Alliance (RAA) is a powerful coalition of regional stakeholders who work with the RAI to change the narrative and show the rest of the country the opportunities available to live, work and invest in regional Australia.

Regional Australia Council

The Regional Australia Council (RAC) was established in 2020 by the RAI to convene some of Australia’s most forward thinking and influential organisations who are committed to elevating and prioritising regional Australia.

The National Alliance for Regionalisation

The National Alliance for Regionalisation (the Alliance) will provide knowledge sharing and national leadership to ensure the targets and aspirations set out in the Regionalisation Ambition 2032 remain relevant and central to decision-making for regional Australia over the next decade.